Daily Tracking
Track and record your diet, nutrition and more with our Daily Tracking Planner.

Manage your tracking program. Select as many items as you like:
- Track how many glasses of water you drink each day
- Count your daily calories
- Record the number of fruit servings you eat in a day
- Record vegetable servings per day
- Keep track of the number of carb grams in your diet
- Count how many protein grams you eat each day
- Record your fat grams consumed per day
- Keep track of your cheats or slip ups on your diet
- Quit drinking sodas and soft drinks
- Count how many hours of sleep you get each night
Check the box for each item you want to track and enter your "target amount."
Example: If your diet plan calls for drinking 9 glasses of water each day, enter that number in the "target amount" field.
Click "save" when finished
Our Daily Tracking Planner is integrated with our Daily Log where you record what you actually did each day.
If you have ideas for more items to track, we want to hear from you. Please post a comment below. Thank you.