BodySpex proudly offers a highly-targeted demographic of individuals with health, fitness and weight-loss goals for your advertising campaign. We have multiple platforms of audience interaction, working in concert, to reinforce your message.
Our award-winning body fat scales offer a unique opportunity within the walls of local health clubs. We feature an opt-in marketing environment, where users have taken a very personal body fat test.
If you are a local small business or trainer looking for advertising opportunities targeted to your area, we can help. We have club locations throughout Southern California: Reseda Encino Redondo Beach Hawthorne Rancho Santa Margarita
Network-wide packages are available for companies and brands looking for a larger footprint.
Please contact us. We welcome your advertising inquiry.
Scale Advertising
Reach your audience when they're at the club. Our body fat scales boast club membership penetration rates of 60-90%. Deployed in high-traffic locations, our scales are on 24/7.
Advertising slots are available on our eye-level, full-color, 12.1" touchscreen display in idle mode and during tests.
Idle Ads - Your ad displays twice in 2-minute idle cycle; 5 seconds each. Ads cycle 24/7.
Scale Ad "A" - Full-screen captive viewer ad displays prior to test ending; Displays 5 secs.
Scale Ad "B" - Full-screen captive viewer ad displays during test ending; Displays 5 secs.
Email Advertising
System emails are a vital communication channel for our users. Taking a scale test or setting reminders trigger system emails.
Reach potential customers with banners and embedded links in our scale test emails or reminder emails.
Scale Emails - Scale users view their results by clicking a link in this email. Very high conversion rates. Sponsor our test results emails with a text link and banner ad.
Reminder Emails - Users opt-in to receive email reminders for their daily plan or if they miss a log day. Include your text link and banner in our reminder emails.
Website Advertising
BodySpex users are turning their health and fitness measurements into motivation every day.
Find new customers on our pages and drive them to your website with banners and links. Variety of other placements are available.
Scale Results Page - Scale users arrive here to view and interact with their results. High time on page averages. Reach our scale users with your ad here.
Daily Log Page - Our most viewed page and the heart of our system. Users record their activities based on their plan. Place your link and banner on our most popular feature.
Competitive Rates
Our award-winning body fat scales deployed inside health clubs offer a unique opportunity for diet, exercise and wellness advertisers. Contact us for a quote and match our rates against comparable opportunities, if you can find one.
Consider the benefits of a horizontal or verticle package. The following are examples only:
BodySpex Network Scale Ad "A" - Horizontal Campaign
Your ad in our Scale Ad "A" slot on all our scales
$150 for 3 months
Redondo Beach Verticle - Verticle Campaign
(Idle Scale Ad) + (Scale Ad "B") + (Scale Email) + (Scale Results Page)
for Gold's Gym Redondo Beach
$180 for 3 months
Idle Screen Ad - Single Club
Your ad displays in idle mode on a scale location of your choice
$20 for 3 months
Advertisment Specifications
Idle Ads Scale Ad "A" Scale Ad "B" |
800x600 pixels; RGB; 32-bit color; gif, jpg, png, pdf, bpm file formats acceptable Design for instant impression Request A Sample |
Scale Emails Reminder Emails |
Small banner, square or rectangle graphic; text copy of appropriate length with re-direct link |
Scale Results Page |
Horizontal leaderboard 728x90 pixels with re-direct link |
Daily Log Page |
Standard skyscraper 160x600 pixels with re-direct link |
Please contact us with your advertising inquiry. Thank you.