What's New
January 7, 2013
January 2013 issue Dole Nutrition News
December 6, 2012
December 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
November 8, 2012
BodySpex is now in the Lakeside Mall, MI and the Cape Cod Mall, MA. Get free Sears fitness department coupons with every test!

November 7, 2012
November 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
October 25, 2012
BodySpex is now in the Paradise Valley Mall, AZ and the Collin Creek Mall, TX. Get free Sears fitness department coupons with every test!

October 12, 2012
October 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
September 6, 2012
September 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
August 2, 2012
August 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
July 20, 2012
BodySpex is now in the Laguna Hills Mall. Get free Sears fitness department coupons with every test!

July 7, 2012
July 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
June 25, 2012
We have a new mobile-friendly site. Check out all of our articles, exercise videos, meal plans and scale info on your smart phone today!
June 6, 2012
June 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
May 9, 2012
May 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
April 10, 2012
April 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
March 5, 2012
March 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
February 1, 2012
February 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
January 12, 2012
January 2012 issue Dole Nutrition News
December 2, 2011
December 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
November 3, 2011
November 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
October 10, 2011
October 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
September 8, 2011
September 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
August 2, 2011
August 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
July 11, 2011
July 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
June 3, 2011
June 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
May 11, 2011 Arena Fitness - Weight Loss Challenge
Lose Weight and Win Prizes in Stacey's First Annual Summer Shred!
May 5, 2011 Happy Cinco de Mayo!
May 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
April 14, 2011
Body Fat Scale Demo - People using our fitness kiosk for the first time.
April 5, 2011
April 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
March 4, 2011
March 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
February 25, 2011
New exercise video Lunges
February 1, 2011
February 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
January 31, 2011
13 new meal plans 1,200 calories to 2,400 calories. Find out how much you can eat and still lose weight.
January 8, 2011
January 2011 issue Dole Nutrition News
December 15
December 2010 issue Dole Nutrition News
November 3
November 2010 issue Dole Nutrition News
October 6
Find local personal trainers and health professionals in our new listing. Qualified professionals in areas that we serve may contact us for a listing.
October 4
October 2010 issue Dole Nutrition News
September 2
September 2010 issue Dole Nutrition News
August 4
August 2010 issue Dole Nutrition News
July 27
New video: Foam Roller Exercise Compilation Reel Trainers, physical therapists and fitness groups, feel free to embed this video on your website.
July 6
July 2010 issue Dole Nutrition News
June 6
Read the June 2010 issue of the Dole Nutrition Institute Monthly Newsletter
March 9
December 16
Get motivated to achieve your goals with a BodySpex health & fitness challenge.
Create your own weight loss or steps competition today and challenge your friends and family! Build teams and add creative prizes to boost everyone's motivation.
Start a challege at work, too, or ask your human resources department to start a healthy habits competition at the office.
Members will note our exercise schedule has been disabled while we develop it further.
May 4
Our newest club in Orange County is Gold's Gym Rancho Santa Margarita
April 30
BodySpexWater on Twitter is a great way to drink more water every day.
Follow us on Twitter and set your remote device to receive our feed. You'll get friendly text reminders to drink water every two hours between 8am - 6pm PST. You've got to try it.